osteopathy calm beach

Osteopathy and Movement coaching


Osteopathy is a manual therapy and one of the oldest approaches to medicine, based on the principle that the health and wellbeing of an individual depends on all components of the body functioning smoothly together, and that they are all intricately linked.

My practice is centred around the fact that the body has an innate drive towards repair and health. I practice traditional osteopathy; the foundation of which is a holistic, whole body adjustment. This works not only to alleviate pain in musculoskeletal structures but also to restore and optimise the body’s natural ability to find health. We look at the spine a whole dynamic system and when balance is restored here towards a neutral posture, muscles naturally release tension, blood flow, nervous system and hormone balance return. This functions to unwind and remove compensation patterns and release stress and tension. This has many effects and at different rates depending on the history, depth of compensation, congestion and toxicity. Treatment induces deep relaxation and a balancing of the nervous system that often has profound affects on the rest of the body systems, complimenting and enhancing healing. Through the stresses, strains and trauma of life (whether they be physical, mental or chemical) this ability can become impaired. 

An osteopath will identify the resultant physical imbalances and strains, get to the bottom of where they’ve come from and restore the bodies ability to maintain itself in a state of health. Naturopathy provides the tools to optimise this process through natural lifestyle and dietary supportive strategies. Natural health coaching is often a critical part of a journey to long term wellness as we live in a world of unique chemical, physical and mental challenges and demands. Coupled with access to so much contradictory, complicated and manipulated information about which diet and lifestyle is right! It is difficult to know how to make the best choices. I will always endeavour to provide you the tools and information you need to feel confident on your journey to health! Treatment a shared journey in which we discover what works best to help the body relax, re-align and channel its energy into keeping you well and comfortable.

What to expect in Clinic

PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: identify the tissues that are the source of your pain using our expertise in anatomy, movement analysis and refined palpatory skills (sense of touch)… Work on those local tissues to remove obstructions and relieve congestion in order to reduce inflammation, manage pain and encourage repair.

SECONDARY GOAL: consider the neighbours! Looking at the joints and areas around the problem area to find and remove factors in their movement, alignment and health that are maintaining or contributing to the primary cause of pain or dysfunction.

THIRDLY: consider the environment. We will consider and advise on diet, movement and lifestyle strategies that will speed up repair and resolution of the problem and leave you with the tools to keep improving at your disposal. This is a generalised example to give you an idea of the osteopathic approach to health – it is not a temporary plaster over the symptoms, it is a resolution and a correction of underlying causes wherever possible. This is applicable to sports injuries, headaches, backache, pain, stiffness, pins and needles, adaptation to pregnancy to name a few. Each case is different and therefore managed appropriately for the individual.

“The body exhibits a constant drive towards health”


The First visit

The first visit will include a consultation, covering current and past medical history. We will usually talk about relevant body systems and aspects of your lifestyle aswell. This is to ensure a clear understanding of your general health and the context of your presenting problem; as well as ruling out any red flag referral possibilities. To make a meaningful diagnosis it is then essential to look at posture and some gentle movements. You will be asked to undress down to your underwear, so please wear something you feel comfortable in, and always feel free to bring a chaperone. Treatment will always be tailored to the individual. Involving one or a combination of cranial and visceral techniques, functional movements and some gentle bodywork.

 This is a series of subtle, oscillatory movements in which your legs and arms will be gently picked up and moved around to encourage total relaxation and enable effective release of the tensions in the spinal system to follow. The techniques will be explained to you fully to ensure that nothing is done without your consent. The first session: will last about an hour, allowing time for a case history and to start the treatment if appropriate. Follow up sessions will last 30-40 minutes. It is my experience that between 4 – 6 sessions are enough to make a big impact on most complaints but every individual is unique so I would never be too prescriptive.

I offer a 10% discount if you would like to purchase a 1st consultation and 5 follow-up sessions in one go. (These must be used within 3 months of purchase)